What is Bion?

Bion Global Biocredits is an early-stage startup based in Brazil, dedicated to developing disruptive systems to decarbonize and regenerate the planet, always guided by science and climate action. We only rely on the resources of our founders and occasional platform partners. If you want to contribute to the development of any of our projects, please contact us!

What is the main focus of Bion Global?

Bion Global's focus lies in decarbonization solutions, environmental regeneration, and the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through science and direct ecological action practiced by a growing community of individuals and circular economy businesses. Currently, we are developing tools to popularize environmental education and foster climate action in society through a secure, traceable, and transparent rewards system.

What is People-based solutions?

Science tells us that one of the most effective ways to cut emissions is by promoting social changes towards more sustainable and healthier lifestyles. At Bion, our people-based solutions focus on promoting simple individual climate actions, such as cycling, recycling, or saving energy, through a reliable and transparent rewards system that truly educates and benefits individuals and communities. When these actions are well-coordinated, they can rapidly scale up and prevent the emission of significant amounts of greenhouse gases that would otherwise end up in the atmosphere, while also alleviating pressure on natural ecosystems.

What is Akty Climate Utility Token?

The AKTY Climate Utility Token is a new type of token developed by Bion Global, non-speculative, and can only be mined through positive actions for the climate and society in general, automatically validated by scientific protocols and technological systems developed by the Bion platform. One AKTY Climate Utility Token is equivalent to 3kg of CO2e avoided in the atmosphere and can be used as credits for exchanging products and services with potential partners of the platform interested in promoting decarbonization through Climate Action.

How can I get AKTY tokens ?

The AKTY Climate Utility Token can only be mined through climate actions validated by our application or API, which are currently under development. You can sign up for the waitlist and be one of the first to test the Akty App. AKTY Climate Utility Token is a socio-environmental utility token, non-speculative, based on the traceability of real climate actions, validated by rigorous scientific protocols and recorded on the blockchain. AKTY is exclusively intended for exchanges and operations carried out within our Climate Action platform. Bion does not make any recommendations for financial investments of any kind.

Who are the professionals behind Bion?

A Bion has a team of top-notch professionals and consultants specialized in technology, climate science, circular economy, ESG market, and other relevant areas to promote and develop people-based solutions and overall understanding of climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises.

What is ClimAI?

ClimAI is an AI-powered chatbot, specialized in climate science and the environment, built by Bion using the Chat GPT API. ClimAI aims to promote environmental education and scientific dissemination among society.

How to collaborate with Bion?

Bion is seeking collaborators, partners, and funders to develop disruptive solutions to tackle the climate crisis. Please get in touch with us for further information.

Copyright ©2023 Bion Global Biocredits Ltda. All rights reserved.