Bion Smart Mobility Protocol

Science with social criteria to measure and reward Climate Action through sustainable mobility.

What is BSMP?

The Bion's intelligent mobility protocol is a mathematical model that calculates the reduction of CO2 emissions through the use of sustainable transportation.

In partnership with the Brazilian scientific organization "Multiplicidade Mobilidade Urbana," we conducted a review of various studies that analyzed emissions from bicycles, conventional and electric cars, public transportation, and motorcycles, always considering social and geographical factors.

Why do we need a mobility protocol?

Bion has developed the BSMP (Bion Smart Mobility Protocol) as a foundation to guide the platform's measurement and rewards system in the transportation sector. The goal is to incentivize the widespread use of more sustainable modes of transportation, such as public transportation, bicycles, and electric vehicles.

Local and social criteria

The BSMP is the starting point for a large green transportation incentive system. In addition to scientific data, the protocol takes into account local and social criteria when defining rewards for users of sustainable transportation. With this approach, we aim to apply Climate Justice throughout the promotion chain for cleaner and fairer mobility.

Connect your sustainable mobility project to the Bion platform.

Receive AKTY climate tokens as a reward for helping to promote low-carbon transportation.

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